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Relocation Compliance Services: Why Consider to Use Them

Written by Eva Montford | Jul 1, 2024 1:41:12 PM

Relocation Compliance Services: Why Consider to Use Them

You are planning on relocating your employees to France. But did you know? You need to make sure that they can settle in in compliance with local standards. This is both a legal duty and a way of guaranteeing the successful onboarding of your employee.

There are many steps to take into account, and neglecting them could affect the daily lives of your employees as much as their professional lives. This means that you need to plan ahead for them, which can be a time-consuming task. Delegating the management of these procedures to specialist relocation services thus enables you to maintain your productivity and ensure your employees’ satisfaction when they arrive.

Zoom on the compliance services you need for your project, and on how you can delegate them to a third party.

What to Know about Compliance for a Relocation Project

You are planning to relocate an employee to France. The contract is signed, the trip is organised and the visas are in hand. But you must consider other steps to ensure a successful onboarding. Not all of them are compulsory, but all are necessary measures to avoid any financial penalties or administrative complications.


Driver’s Licence Change

To ensure that your employee can drive a car without problems once he or she arrives, you must make sure that his or her licence, if it is not European, is in line with French standards. Licences obtained within the European Economic Area (EEA), or in the United Kingdom before 2021, remain valid if they have not expired. But for those issued outside the EEA, a change procedure has to be undertaken within a year, provided that the country issuing the licence has bilateral agreements with France. Anticipating this problem gives you guarantees that your employee will be able to travel once he or she arrives.


Change of Vehicle Registration Document

When your employee arrives, they may bring their own car. In that case, they will need to apply for a change of vehicle registration document. This is compulsory and must be done within 30 days of the move. If you neglect this step, you risk exposing your employee to heavy fines. Furthermore, your collaborator will not be able to get an insurance for his vehicle. Requests for changes must therefore be made without delay.


Looking for Accommodation

Bringing an employee to France means ensuring that they have decent housing adapted to their needs. This can be a specific clause in your moving contract, which is in addition to your social obligations. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to guarantee suitable accommodation. It is both an insurance against the risk of litigation and a means of ensuring that the accomodations obtained meet legal standards.


Opening a Bank Account in France

Opening a bank account in France is not a legal obligation as such. But to avoid the costs of transfers or exchange at the time of salary payments, it is worth taking these measures, although they are complicated... Not all banks accept foreign residents, and the law prohibits foreigners from opening an account with some banks, especially those online... Again, meeting these conditions requires some foresight. But it saves you from paying international transfer fees when you pay your salary, ensuring good management of your expenses or registering your employee for social security, a necessary step to meet your social obligations.


Affiliation or Reaffiliation to Social Security

As an employer, you have fiscal and social obligations. But to meet them at no extra cost, you have to be proactive. How? By ensuring that, prior to his installation, your employee is properly registered for social security, based on his contract and employment status. As part of a relocation, this responsibility falls to you. This is just as important in terms of legal compliance as budget management, as you may have to pay social security contributions in two different countries. Checking the employee’s registration thus facilitates your financial and social obligations management, particularly if your employee falls ill or suffers an accident at work. Indeed, to be treated free of charge, he must have a valid health insurance in France, which is not systematic. Being insured in India does not give the same rights of access to care in France. The registration of your employee with the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (CPAM) is therefore necessary to avoid that he has to cover his health costs, which you would be held responsible because of your employer obligations.


Risks of Non-Compliance: How to Avoid Them

Complying with all French standards is not an easy task, but if you want to ensure the success of your employee’s integration, you can not leave this aside. But managing the compliance of a relocation project is time consuming. Laborious tasks like contacting banking, the prefecture or social security can distract you from your main activities. In addition, timely monitoring and management procedures require continued attention. In this sense, delegating compliance management to a third party allows you to maintain your productivity, while respecting national standards.


Why Delegate and Use External Compliance Services for Relocation

Wishing to ensure the serene onboarding of their employee? To guard yourself from non-compliance risks? Specialized services can help you:

  • EXPERTISE: Solid Knowledge of National Regulations and of the Local Market

This expertise is an asset to control the costs of relocation by guaranteeing you additional risks. Knowing what needs to be done to ensure the success of your project, they will anticipate possible complications and choose what is the most appropriate for you.

  • TIME SAVING: Compliance Services as a Time Saving

Because they monitor and manage compliance procedures, relocation agencies can follow all the changes that can affect your project. This is convenient given that the time to obtain a social security number can be particularly long while some procedures require renewal to meet standards. For example, a driver’s license transposed once must be reviewed after a year. Having an expert in charge of monitoring and able to manage files on time allows you to stay focused on your main activities.

  • PERFORMANCE: An Expert to Reduce your Employee’s Mental Load and Help Them Focus on their Tasks.

Delegating compliance management monitoring to an external company relieves your employee of this burden. This allows it to focus only on its core business, while the provider supports compliance with national standards.



Are you planning on relocating an employee? Want to be you’re up to standards? Contact our experts!