Reintroduction of visa requirements for citizens of several countries
From 1 October 2023, citizens of the United States, Australia, Japan and Canada wishing to travel to Brazil will need to obtain a visitor's visa. These citizens had been exempt from the visa requirement since 2019.
Partial digitalization of the procedure
The Japanese government now allows the Certificate of Eligibility to be issued digitally. Previously, the applicant had to receive the original of the certificate before submitting the visa application. This decision streamlines the immigration process.
Digitalisation of procedures
The authorities have implemented a new online system to apply for a new, renewed or cancelled work permit. Thus, it is no longer necessary to go to the Ministry of Labor to file these applications.
These online applications are possible provided that the applicant presents a residence permit with a minimum validity of 3 months, a certificate of qualification and the address of his/her employer.
Do you have a mobility project for your Talents? Contact our teams!

by Julie Leprohon
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