Human Resources Training

Our training offer is based on our expertise and revolves around the key missions of HR: recruitment, integration, mobility, skills and talent management. It also integrates concepts of soft skills, well-being at work, organization, and prevention of psychosocial risks.
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Customized Trainings Tailored to Your Needs


  • Strengthen your professional career
  • Adapt to the evolution of the profession
  • Enrich your toolbox with good practices
  • Support the changes in your organization
  • Improve performance​
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Benefit from ANYWR's Expertise


  • 60 learners have already experienced our HR courses
  • More than 200 hours of training delivered in the field
  • Customized and personalized trainings, designed by industry experts​
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Our Human Resources Training Courses

Overall satisfaction rate in 2023: 91%

Satisfaction rate in our language courses

100% CLOE certification, for the total number of people trained in 2023, Anywr has trained 400 people (all courses combined).

Logo Qualiopi

satisfaction rate in our management training courses

Portrait Sonia

Need to discuss your training needs with an expert?

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